Can we help you?
Below you have general information and FAQs
Do you want to read our Terms and conditions or Delivery information?
If you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us directly.

How much does it cost?
1st FIGURE $6.90, each additional $3.50
How do I apply the sticker decal?
Please click here for application instructions.
Where do you ship?
We ship to the whole world. If you can't find your country in the country list please let us know here. Most orders will arrive within 2 to 7 business days depending on location. Click here for more shipping details.
Do you have a physical store?
No, we only sell on-line.
What is your return policy?
As a courtesy to our customers, we will grant a full refund or replacement on the subtotal of any order that is defective in quality. To exercise your rights, you just have to notify us about your intention to return the product and cancel the order by sending an email to [email protected].
You have to make the request for refund or cancellation within 14 days from the date that you have received the product. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.
Can I remove or reuse my sticker?
Our sticker decals are removable but not reusable.
How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Standard delivery is 2 to 7 business days from the date the order is paid.
What colour should I choose?
For windows, both black and white stickers work fine, but a white will be slightly more visible. Normally what you want is a high contrast, so choose a black sticker for a light background and vice versa.
What does "Inverted" mean?
Choose Inverted = Yes, if you want to apply the sticker on the inside of a window, especially if you have a text in the decal.
To apply the sticker on the outside, choose Inverted = No.
Will the sticker be visible if I apply it on the inside of a tinted window?
No, it’s better to apply it on the outside.
Do I get a discount if I buy more than one sticker decal?
If you order more than one decal with the same design and options, you get a discount on each additional sticker.
Can I buy more than one sticker decal at a time? And with different design?
YES! You can buy as many decals you want and with different design, colour and size.
How do I remove a decal?
If you want to remove a sticker decal use warm water or a blow dryer. Warm up the decal and then gently peel it off. Please watch our video to see how easy it is: